How to use IntelliJ IDEA Community version for Spring Projects

IntelliJ IDEA is the best Java IDE available today. It has many features that the Java developers find very handy. But the Ultimate version is something, not every developer can afford or would spend.

If you are a Java developer, probably you will be using the Spring framework for your projects. Here, in this post, I am going to share how to use the IntelliJ IDEA Community version for Spring Boot projects.

Download IntelliJ IDEA

First, download and install the IntelliJ IDEA community edition software from the website

 The community edition is free to download. It is available for windows, mac, and Linux. The installation is pretty straightforward.

Use Spring Initializr to create Spring Boot project

IntelliJ IDEA Community version does not support Spring, Jakarta EE, Java EE, Micronaut, Quarkus, or Helidon. So, you cannot create a Spring Boot project using it.

But it supports Maven, Gradle, and sbt builders. Taking advantage of its support for the aforementioned builders and Java language itself, there is a way to use IntelliJ IDEA Community for Spring Boot projects.

Spring Initializr
Spring Initializr

Therefore, use Spring Initializr to create the project.

Run Your Spring Project

Unzip the generated project and open it in your IntelliJ IDEA Community version IDE.

Without any issues, the IDE will resolve the dependencies. And you are ready to start working on your new Spring Boot project.

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